Ok now I am frustrated with streaming

Help me out here please. I was really enjoying getting into streaming. Just purchased a Node 2i 2 weeks ago and have been enjoying it. Testing Tidal and Qobuz, leaning toward Qobuz. I was testing both wifi and ethernet connection. I seemed to pick up some noise and distortion on what I thought was the ethernet so I have been listening on wifi. I really enjoy finding new music on the streaming service. Tonight I was enjoying Sierra Hull because I listen to a lot of Alison Krauss. I was listening to Sierra Hull's new 25 Trips album and got to track 7 Escape and I heard a bunch of static/distortion, almost like a blown tube, except I have solid state equipment. I switched to Tidal to see if it was a problem with the Qobuz stream and same thing. Hooked up my MacBook pro to rule out a problem with the Node 2i, same thing. Now I am listening to Clapton's Unplugged and I hear the same thing. Is it my internet? I have a brand new modem, a Motorola MB7621, and a brand new Asus AC3100 router. I did a speed test and we are getting 237 mbps. My daughter was watching Netflix on a TV upstairs at the time, when she was finished I did a reboot of the cable modem and reboot of the Node 2i and then it was fine after that. I listened for about an hour after that. Is it my internet speed? Do I need to call Comcast/xfinity and up my speed package? Is it something else? Its getting frustrating and its not supposed to be like that, I am at the point where I may just send the Node back on the return policy and stick with CD's. 
You could try setting priority to the streamer in the router. It might be giving priority to the video streaming which could bottleneck the Node2i. 

Thank you... +1  for good old fashioned physical media (LPs, CDs and DVDs).
Streaming music, even high res files, doesn’t really require that much bandwidth - nothing near streaming video.  And, you’ve got pretty good speed, so I’m skeptical that’s where your problem is.  Are you sure it’s actually in your digital stream?  When you’re getting the noise, have you switched to other sources to see if it’s present?  A cap going on some of your solid state gear, a loose wire, or a cable going bad would all make that type of noise.  Or, it could be something going on with your streaming as you suspect. But, don’t give up on streaming just yet until you know.

My $.02
You could try setting priority to the streamer in the router. It might be giving priority to the video streaming which could bottleneck the Node2i.
You obviously don’t have kids. 

Thanks everyone. Yes, I know good old fashioned CD's are the way to go and no I did not get rid of them. I don't want to give up on streaming yet as I was really enjoying it, it sounded better than CD in some cases and I enjoy finding new artist. So is my 230 mbps fast enough for audio and both video if my wife or daughter are watching Netflix at the same time? I can increase that to a 600 mbps package for not that much more with my ISP.
@mgrif104 That is my next step, I was actually thinking about that lying in bed last night because my Classe Amp and Preamp are nearing 20 years old.