Some impression on Zu Omen Definition

I just pick up a pair of Zu Omen Definition, and I have mixed feelings. It sound very different from my B&W.

First of all, the height of the sound. For my B&W, the sound is a bit higher than my ear level. But for the Zu, it is the same or a bit lower than my ear level. This sounds a bit weird. Because usually the singer will be on a stage, so, it is more natural to expect the sound is higher from my ear level.

Secondly is the depth. For my B&W, the singer is behind the speaker plane. For the Zu, the singer is very forward. It almost feel it is in front of the speaker plane. I don't know which way is better. Due to this difference, for the 30 mins or so .. I feel very weird listening to Zu.

Why would 2 speakers have so much different in presentation? The zu is much taller than the B&W, so, I expect it will project a bigger soundstage. And usually the sound stage is behind the speaker. But with the height and forward sounding, I can't say produce a big sound stage. Or can I say it produce a sound stage in front of the speaker plane, and I need to sit back further?
Gte - I own Zu Omen standard. For the height, I have them tilted back, iow the front spikes are longer than the rear spikes.
Singers are not in front of the speakers with mine, not sure what's up with yours in that regard.
I found out the speakers are actually tilted downward as the spike in the front are shorter. Now, it correct the problem to some extend. I am doing some A/B test with my B&W. I think the sound stage is about the same. The height is also about the same with B&W sounds a little bit higher. The B&W is more lay back, or relax, or darker. The Zu is more dynamic and brighter. But the Zu definitely has less bass than the B&W.
I don't hear the coherent magic people rave about. How should a coherent speaker sound like? Base on my understanding, in theory, if all frequency comes from the same spot or same cone, then it is coherent. If for the 3 way driver, since the tweeter, mid range and woofer has different distance, so, some calculation is required to make the sound coherent.

But for the Zu definition, there are still 2 cone separate apart. Then from the coherent perspective, how is it more coherent than traditional 3 way speaker like my B&W? Can a good 3 way speaker still sound coherent?
I have compared my system to a local audio store with a $10,000 McIntosh and the top of the line B&W's and mine kicked it's butt!

1. Follow Zu's in room set up guide. Even a few inches off and the bass will be missing.
2. The Omen Defs like lots of space. Mine are 4 feet off of the back wall and three off of the side and the soundstage is behind the speakers and huge!
3. Tilt the speakers up by going and buying new bolts for the underneath spacing. Mine are tilted back 3/4 of an inch.
4. How far away are you? These guys need space to become coherent.
5. Any upstream weaknesses will be very apparent with the Zu
6. What amp are you using?

Are the Zu speakers broken in?
Either you just need to experiment and fine tune speaker setup or you may simply prefer the sound of your B&W with your present components.

3 way speakers can be very coherent with proper implementation.

My Coincident speakers are 3 way(first order crossovers) and probably 90% of the time(depends on the recording) they`re invisible.

I`d give the zu more time.
Best Regaeds,