Vinyl Users - Best/Favorite room air cleaner

After vacuuming(?), what is your favorite device for cleaning turntable room air?

Ozone filter?
HEPA device?
Room air conditioner?
Whole house system?
(Eliminate rugs, drapes, fabrics as much as possible?)

Looking for affordable solution.
Want to eliminate DUST more than allergens, pollutants, etc.
Be careful, high MERV filters can cause problems if your HVAC is not designed for their use.
It depends on where you live too.  Here in Florida we live in central AC and all systems are not created equal.  This is a critical consideration for audiophiles.  Buy a high SEER system that can handle the whole house without strain and preferably without cycling on and off, rather shifting up or down as needed through a multi-stage compressor and air handler.  Systems of this type cost roughly 2X base level central air.