Some impression on Zu Omen Definition

I just pick up a pair of Zu Omen Definition, and I have mixed feelings. It sound very different from my B&W.

First of all, the height of the sound. For my B&W, the sound is a bit higher than my ear level. But for the Zu, it is the same or a bit lower than my ear level. This sounds a bit weird. Because usually the singer will be on a stage, so, it is more natural to expect the sound is higher from my ear level.

Secondly is the depth. For my B&W, the singer is behind the speaker plane. For the Zu, the singer is very forward. It almost feel it is in front of the speaker plane. I don't know which way is better. Due to this difference, for the 30 mins or so .. I feel very weird listening to Zu.

Why would 2 speakers have so much different in presentation? The zu is much taller than the B&W, so, I expect it will project a bigger soundstage. And usually the sound stage is behind the speaker. But with the height and forward sounding, I can't say produce a big sound stage. Or can I say it produce a sound stage in front of the speaker plane, and I need to sit back further?
I hope I can audition them too, but it is not possible. I am in Vancouver, Canada. I don't think there is anyone in Vancouver carry Zu and PrimaLuna. So, I can only audition different amps but not the whole system. So, I mainly rely on my internet research and other people's comment. I know other people won't know exactly my electronics and room setting, but just trying to get most opinion as possible. And I don't have an acoustic / electrical engineering background. I am sure there are a lot of very knowledgeable people here, and has vast experience of different brands. So, all of your opinion are actually very important to me =)

I read the First Watt web site. It described the design concept of each model which I don't understand. Reading 6moons and other people's comment, the M2 seems to be the next choice which pass my sanity test. It has a low gain of 15 dB (checked), a higher input impedance of 100k (checked), it has warmer sound than F5 and J2 per 6moons (checked), it has a low output impedance which suppose to give tighter bass, right?

Do you think M2 would be a good fit for me? Does it give a tubey sound close to SET amps? Anyone?

My hesitation in snagging the mini torii is that that low wattage is into 4ohms. Into my 16ohm Superflys that is truly flea power (will that be LESS than a 45 SET?)

I wouldn't underestimate the F3s, they're pretty darn good to be honest. Some say its the best sounding Nelson Pass amplifier, period. Driven by my Shindo it makes for a very musical presentation.

I'm going to bring it to a buddy's place this weekend to see how it does driving a pair of Sunny Cable Co speakers.

what is the output impedance of your Shindo? I know F3 is a very good amp and good match with Zu based on all the reviews and comments, and I am almost set on it until I realized the input impedance. The rule of thumb is that it should be 10x the preamp's output impedance.

So, if I use F3 (input impedance of 10k Ohm) with my PrimaLuna (output impedance of 2800 Ohm), how would it affect the sound? Of course, i can change the preamp too ... but I want to keep it if possible as I like its sound.
ok, based on my research, if the input impedance of power amp is not high enough (10x of the output impedance of preamp), then the system will be more prone to sonic distortion. This is because there is a reduction of signal from preamp to power amp. And the reduction is a function of frequency. So, the reduction is not a constant that can be balanced out by turning up the volume knob. That means, the sonic is changed, whether it is good or bad will then be subjective, and depends on each unit, I guess.
My Shindo has a 5k ohm impedance and seems to match better well with the Rawson F3 clone I'm using.

This is an excerpt from an email with the buddy that turned me on to the F3:

"I did not run the Aurieges with the F3 and am not sure it would match well. Actually, it probably would - I now recall Dr. Pass saying that the F3 requires an extremely tiny current to drive and so even pres with high output impedance are nearly always fine."