PS Direct Stream Vs. Lumin X 1 Sound quality difference?

I think I'm going to purchase a Lumin X-1 and sell my PS Direct Steam Dac.
Can anyone share their experience with these 2 products, particularly in sound quality?

Ingresa tu texto ...It improves even more! Mine has about 400 hours and I am impressed, I have it connected by fiber with a melco s100 sfp multimode switch. This afternoon a colleague also has the melco s100 and he has brought it home to test, we have connected everything in series by fiber. !AWESOME! I'm going to ruin
So are you guys saying that using a fiber connection is better than ethernet?

Let Mecani answer but I’ll add that fiber is thought to be the best connection on some other well known audio forums. Explained there in lots of technical detail as well. No personal experience so just passing along. But it’s yet another thing to learn and spend on if you’re up to it.
The fiber connections confuse the heck out of me.
How about using a Ether Regen?
