Mint LP Best Protractor

Does anyone know where to purchase a Mint LP Best Protractor other than from Mint LP?
I’ve been trying their web sight for a week and it doesn’t work.
My turntable is a VPI Super Prime Scout with a 10.5 inch VPI JMW UNI Pivot tonearm?

"Thats why I came here to ask the experts."

If you rely on the "experts" here, then dump the VPI. It's "wrong" VPI/HW doesn't know what they're doing.

As mentioned any jig is going to be "correct" only in 2 points of the arc. HW came up with their compromise which seems to be worthy of using for the line. Getting more "I know" advice guarantees increased nervosa, and takes away from actually enjoying your perfectly fine setup.

Not a knock on trying other jigs.I have the Feikert, and found it to be a waste of money. Can't hear a clear sonic improvement between it and, the supplied VPI jig. Just my $0.02 cents. You may hear something? Some say they do, it's their  ears.

A primo condition period press of Led Zeppelin or a 1958 mono Blue Note is more worthy of nervosa, IMO. That's even argued to death.

Great sound is the sum of parts involved.

The goal of Dr. Feickert NG is that it can be used for adjustment/alignment of ANY tonearm on ANY turntable and PS is measurable for all size of tonearms. Also using Feickert we can choose which alignment method we want to use (Baerwald, Lofgren or Stevenson). This is universal and it’s like having 3 protractors in one.

First step for any alignment is tonearm/turntable PS (pivot to spindle distance) measurement.

I use Dr.Feickert NG not only when I adjust cartridges, but when I swap tonearms and adjust them, this is where PS is required first and it’s the most critical.

If you have only one turntable with fixed tonearm (fixed PS by the manufacturer) and willing to use only one alignment method then you can use some other basic protractors. You can buy Hi-Fi Tesl LP and there is a free protractor inside!  

Which is the primary benefit of the MoFi Disk, its designed to emulate a record, only one with the geometry marked right on it.
Actually not a factually correct statement. That it is the ONLY one.
Just one example here for a lot less cash, plenty more on Fleabay.

The Geo Disc might be better made, nicer to use, that I do not know but I have used the Hudson version for years.
The paper downloads from vinyl engine.

I mentioned using double sided tape and gluing them to cardboard, in order to make it to the semi- correct record thickness. Try to use a thinner cardboard, if you can.

Drill the spindle mount/position hole in stages, so the center point is correct. Do it after it is mounted to the cardboard.

Perfection in the thickness, to some degree, is ’close enough’ as record thickness always varies.

More so, the way the record sits varies even more than the individual record thickness variance itself (or about as much), so the target of matching thickness is a moving one.

Work to get close and learn (via listening and then thinking, in no particular order) to tweak from there.

There is no perfect engineering spec textbook answer that one can rubber stamp their way to a sunshine, flowers and bird tweeting panoramic and perfected dogmatic repetitive eternity...

It’s a use your head and intellectually grow, kinda thing. I realize this might be a challenge, for some... ;)

Those with the kind of cranium that prefers to fit things on the fly, will do just fine here.

Essentially, that: Threads ebb and flow in the clash of these two types.