CD player for my system?

I'm normally an "analog" type of guy...I love my LP's! Any suggestions for a CDP in the range of $800-1200 for my system that might not offend these old analog ears? I must admit, I'm not much into "tweaks" or "mods." Looking to find a unit that sounds good out of the box.

Tube Audio Design TAD-150 preamp
Rogue Audio Stereo 90 amp
Reimer McCullough GS speakers

thanks for any suggestions!
Ag insider logo xs@2xkdbrink
AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with 192kHz upsampling and Amperex 7308 or Ediswan CV2492 tube upgrade.
One more vote for the Jolida--with a pair of Mullard CV4004 tubes, and an upgraded power cord.
I agree with Aball and others; the Jolida is a perfect match. This unit is a true pleasure; it really adds a dimension in terms of warmth and presence not found in sub $1500 player. (We feel very fortunate to be dealers for JoLida.) This unit competes well with a lot of the heavy hitters like Naim, Rega, Arcam, Etc. at a fraction of the price. Another neat thing about this unit is that if you ever become a tweaker you can simply change out the tubes in the future and adjust the sound to your listening preferences. But, out of the box it will sound fantastic and will only improve over the first 100 hours of break in. Please email me directly if you are interested in discussing this player further.

Good Luck and you cannot go wrong with the warmth and build quality of JoLida.

Tyler T. Mueller

Next Level Audio and Video-Account Manager
Take a look at my threads on the Jolida JD 100A. Ya think I may like the Jolida a little bit? ;)

Change out the stock tubes to some warm, yet nicely detailed Ei ECC-83 Gray Plates and add a good power cord upgrade and you have a superb, very analog like sounding player that many players going for $3-4K retail are pressed to sound better.