l just discovered another one of the record companies dirty tricks?

Sam here and why is it that so many remastered digital and vinyl albums have the (L) + (R) channels swapped from the original released version? it’s a fact that we associate memories with the music we were listening to at the time and by swapping the channels the brain does not associate the music with the memory and we don’t remember how good we used to have it and how good real music made us feel. When jimmy page released the 2014 zep digital and vinyl box set everybody noticed that once again the channels were swapped?
At this rate Sam you will soon have uncovered all of the nasty record companies evil little tricks and secrets.
Big bad scary monsters.
So glad you could share all of this with the forum.........
These days the DT department at most record companies (the few that remain) is bigger than A&R.  There are *more* conspiracies out there to be revealed to the unsuspecting public.
It's another satanic trick, kind of like playing records backwards, only in this case, it's sideways.  Beware!
Dastardly deeds discovered!  When will it stop?  We need to take it to the streets overthrow the oppressor man.  ORIGINAL MIXES MATTER!