Tin Foil Hat Audio

As I read the discussions about questionable tweaks I often have to remind myself that just because I can’t hear it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because there is no instrument capable of objectively quantifying a difference doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because there is no generally accepted physical mechanism to account for a difference doesn’t mean it isn’t there. 

I think I owe an apology to psychics, mediums, and witches among others. Maybe they also perceive things I just can’t. 

Is it shiny side in or out when making a tin foil hat? How many layers? 
     When I booted a schizophrenic roommate, his tinfoil hat was about three inches thick on the sides, and four or more inches on top, which explained why I could never find any aluminum foil, no matter how much I bought.
     He also paid several hundred dollars to line the exteruior walls of his room with a special impregnated plastic looking whatever, at head level, to keep the CIA from controlling his thoughts.
     I suggest you use directional fuses on your hat, and ground it to a water pipe.
Not to be pedantic, but "tin foil" has not existed for perhaps 80 years. Today, we use the much more progressive "aluminum foil hat". Shiny side in always.
I too had a schizophrenic roommate who oddly enough, thought I was the crazy one.

But the joke was on him, because I didn't have a roommate!
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