The Revolving Door...Hey, how about some synergy?

I always read the forums here with great interest with the intent of learning something new, but it seems of late that many threads are repeating themselves, over & over again. For example, recommendations for streamers (which 1/2 dozen or so of the same name get bantered around), DAC’s and speakers of varying price levels. Lots of talk about individual components. I was looking for advice and comments on complete systems, components that work well together as a whole.
Due to Covid-19 and being unemployed for almost 4 months, I had to sell off my gear in order to pay the bills. Now, back to work, I am looking forward to rebuilding. Getting close to retirement, I’m not sure I will have the same amount of funds to spend to get me back to where I was? So I’m looking to the community to offer up some great combinations of equipment speakers, amps, DAC’s (no TT’s at this point, digital-only please) that truly sound awesome matched-up together.
My last system: Coda CSiB integrated V1, Martin Logan Spires, Wyred 4 Sound DAC 2V2 SE, running a ROON Nucleus as a server. I could probably put the same system back together used for less than $10K (retailed 20). It sounded great but the ML’s where unforgiving with poor recordings and of course, the head in the vice syndrome. Just want to try something new and this maybe be my last shot, so I want to do it right!
New up to $10,000, used gear up to $20,000 retail. Also moving soon, currently no room dimensions.

Perhaps you could look through the manufacturer rooms from a few past audio shows and see what equipment people are pairing together when their ass is on the line? Presumably they've already done a ton of testing to see what works best...

Alternatively, pick a speaker, then contact that company with your budget and have them recommend an amplifier that they already know works well (or vice versa depending on your perspective).
Hey feediver, system sounds awesome. Sugden has been on my radar and is a bit of a sleeper. Oddly enough, I can audition one locally.
I know they promote the Sugden with Spendor DB2's which are close to $7K (but supposedly sounds incredible) so the Spendors will eat up most of my budget. I will try to check out the Harbeths. Thanks!

Great advice cal3713, I have my homework cut out for me!!!
Would a Hegel H190, Magnepam LRS with a couple of subwoofers and a Denfrips Pontus DAC (new) get me close to my old system?
Or is this too "Mid-Fi"?