Removing a ZERO from the price of amps

I mentioned a quote from Bruno on Computer Audiophile interview about a year ago saying the goal of Purifi is to remove a ZERO from the price of amps. Sounded very exciting a year ago and we are now getting close to getting this out to consumers.

A Benchmark AHB2 and one of these Purifi amps for me please.
Why are people looking to Class D to “save” money on a power amp.  I have tried a dozen in the last twenty years and see value in all types.  For those who can afford zero feedback and tube output, there is no comparison.  Sorta separates the men from the boys.  Someday class D will rule, but class A is the king right now, like it should
Things change and move forward. We are talking about Purifi amps here and not the Class D you have heard. I am sure you have not heard these amps because almost no one else has. Here is a quote from someone who has and has reviewed a lot of amps.

I began evaluating the Eigentakt when I used it in May to review the Magico A1 minimonitors ($7400/pair). Before hooking up the Eigentakt, I’d been using a pair of Constellation Audio Revelation Taurus monoblocks -- massive amps that cost $40,000/pair, are specified to each output up to 500W into 8 ohms or 1000W into 4 ohms, and sound outstanding. The Eigentakt clearly wouldn’t be able to match that kind of power, but the Magico A1s don’t need it -- and don’t want it, unless you want to blow them up.

I also swapped out the Nirvana S-L speaker cables I use with the Constellations for the Neutrik speakON cables supplied by Purifi. Feeding the Eigentakt were an EMM Labs DA2 Reference DAC and Pre preamplifier, both via Crystal Cable Standard Diamond Balanced interconnects. My music server was an Asus ZenBook UX303U laptop computer, connected to the DAC with an AmazonBasics USB link.

I found that the Eigentakt was not only powerful enough to drive the A1s -- it sounded as good as the Constellations. As I wrote in my review, “almost nothing about the A1s’ sound had changed -- the tonal balance was the same, the highs were just as extended and the midrange just as pure, voices were equally robust, bass just as extended, and the soundstaging and imaging were exactly as before.” What’s more, I also thought that if there were any differences in the sounds, they “were at best slight and, surprisingly, favored the Purifi.” I played “Hope Is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have -- But I Have It,” from Lana Del Rey’s Norman ***** Rockwell! (16-bit/44.1kHz FLAC, Interscope). As I also said in the review, “the subtle sounds of her lips moving as she sings softly into the microphone were more apparent through the Purifi.” Ever since the arrival of the Revelation Taurus monos, I’ve loved their combination of smoothness, detail, and effortlessness -- for the Eigentakt to turn in the same performance, at a fraction of the price, was incredible. I was impressed. Granted, if I’d needed more power than the Eigentakt could provide, the Constellations would have easily walked away with the prize -- but in this first test, and within the Eigentakt’s power limitations, its sound quality had proved extraordinary.

I've heard a Purifi amp and it had a very neutral sound which is good in my book. Nice power and grip on the woofers. Clear vocals and acoustic in the mids and highs. I returned the one I had as the build quality was less than optimal. If you're looking for a stereo version Apollon Audio have them as well as monos. March also looks like good build quality and I think he's coming out with a stereo version as well. 
The March Audio guy emailed me and said his stereo version comes out in the end of August 2020.

I bought the Benchmark AHB2 last week and looking to buy a second AHB2 for mono block setup. I need a 3rd amp for my orphaned KEF LS50s and a Purifi amp is in the cards. 

I want to wait and see what NAD has in the cards. The should soon release a simple Purifi amp. I am not interested in the Master Series M33.
NAD just announced their Purifi based 2-chan amplifier.

I just purchased a Benchmark AHB2 yesterday to compare with my Pass X250.8; if I don't take to it, maybe the C298 will be the next amp I try :)