Ocellia speakers and power

what's the lowest amount of power that will drive the 12 inch PHY driver and what's the highest amount of power one should play them with?
I have owned Tonian speakers for years and agree with the above posts....the phy will sound great with any good low to medium power tube amp. I find they like a little more juice than you can get from a 45 or 2a3 set will sound better with the 8 or so watts you can get from a 300b set and better yet from an 845 or 211 set. Otls like Ralphs work well.
A pair of audiopax model 30s were a very nice match.
Interestingly, Tony advocates for SS amps with the Tonians using the PHY and he likes the Stellovox, goldmunds srm and first watt J2 to name a few.
My favorite matches ended up being a pair of 20 watt 3dimension audio PP 300b amps and a Berning ZH230 @ 30 watts
Glide3, what type of crossover(1st order?) does your tonian use and what frequency does the ribbon take over? These speakers can only be auditioned in CA. it seems.
Has anyone compared the Ocellia vs. Tonian? The cabinet of the Ocellia which is claimed to be made as a musical intrument, seems the better design but would be interested in others thoughts.
On what do you base your assessment that the Ocellia cabinet "seems the better design"? Both companies use the same "resonant cabinet" philosophy, actually. I have not heard Ocellia but I can state that the Tonian cabinets, and speakers, are simply amazing in capturing the micro & macrodynamics of acoustic instruments.
Have you specifically heard the Tonian Lab Classic 12.1(PHY-HP 12 driver)? This is the model that intrigues me. It would seem ideal for 8 watt 300b SET amps.