What tube amp for Harbeth 40.1

I am looking for a tube amp for Harbeth 40.1.  I know many suggest SS amp such as Accuphase, Luxman, Hegel, McIntosh ... etc for Harbeth, but I decided to keep it with tube.  I also don’t think I need a lot of power.  I currently have a 8W custom built 300B and had a 18W Almarro 318B, and to me, they sound fine.  However, I think more power will help, and I never know what I missed until I try it out.  Having said that, I don’t think I need crazy power.  Anything 30-80W is good enough for me.  I am 3m away from the speakers, listen to Jazz at avg 83dB.

i have the following short list:
1) PrimaLuna Evo 400 integrated
2) Leben CS600X 
3) Linear Tube Audio Z40

Which one do people like with Harbeth?  Any other suggestion?

Among all qualities, I value holographic presentation the most.  I really like the feeling as if the singer is floating in front of me, if you know what I mean.  And my current 300B do pretty well in this regards, and I read this is what SET amps are good at.  Will I be disappointed with the above?
Gte I have heard the LTA amps at shows.  The ZOTL design sounds pretty much just as advertised and related in reviews. 
All tube amps do not run hot. The LTA ZOTL amps by design generate far less heat than traditional tube amps and the tubes last far longer. They are perhaps the most practical tube amps for listeners who may be hesitant to go with tubes. In addition, the LTA amps present as much more powerful than their specs would suggest with lots of drive and dynamic capability. That said, in my experience Harbeths like power so get a ZOTL 40 Reference for now which gives you the ability to pick up a second down the road to run monos which will be plenty of juice. 
That is actually a question.  Does any of those amps I short listed run super hot?

I ~~~HATE~~~ SET amps, 
Extremely limited as to what speaker you can choose, not to mention to my ears they sound anemic. 
Push Pull are King of Tubes.
I havea  Defy7, has 12 6550's. I feared the heat would cook my 10x12 room, not so, 
Not sure how hot Cayin/PL run. 
I had a  small EL34 Cayin, was not hot at all,. But the bigger KT88's, , maybe. 
Your ~~super hot~~~ no I do not think either lab meets that criteria of ~~super~~
There is a pair of PL monos  on ebay starting at $1600, might not be a  bad idea throw ina  bid..But honestly I am a  bigger fan of Cayin vs PL.

Do you want integrated or power?
I was thinking this model:
A lot of their products have fairly similar model numbers.
Tubes are not run anywhere near their limit and will effectively last almost indefinitely.