I think some of you are confused about the phenomenon of human electrocution. It’s current through your core or heart that will kill you. About 100 to 200 milliamps is all that’s needed. Since your inner body has a low resistance, it’s the contact resistance between your body (usually your hands) and the voltage source that matters. If your hands are wet and you touch the voltage source with both hands, that will produce lethal current through your heart - even if the voltage is lower than 100 volts.
If you were to use 2 fingers on the same hand, however, there would be little current through your heart. That’s why electronic technicians keep one hand behind their back when working on circuits with high voltages.
If you were to use 2 fingers on the same hand, however, there would be little current through your heart. That’s why electronic technicians keep one hand behind their back when working on circuits with high voltages.