Should I upgrade my Tubes

I have a Rogue Audio Magnum II which is 100 Watts per channel paired with Vandersteen Treo CT speakers. My tubes seem to be shot as suddenly I get no amplification (just very low level audio). The 4 power tubes are TUNG-SOL KT120. I have been reading about getting "better" tubes but every discussion seems to get into "depends how you like the sound" types of comments similar to every other audio component - LOL.

So what's a man do ?
GL KT77s are great tubes, although currently I'm using a pair (I have a quad of these) of unused Sovtek KT88s I've had for a while...somehow they sound great.
@decooney - Never did try anything with less potential power than the KT88/6550, being an SPL lover and trying to squeeze as much as possible, with the lowest distortion, from my modded SLM-100s.      A relatively small, highly treated room with 93dB/2.83V speakers (w/active biamping and SS, below 80Hz, 60dB/oct) helps, but.....                                            The best presentation I’ve had, was provided by the GEs.     Glad I never owned an octet of the original Genelex or Tung-Sols.      I’d have probably been ruined for life.      Would have been nice, had the GL KT77 been available when I was modding/updating ST-70s.
I fixed it, my bad. I am totally digital streaming and I have a Codex which I guess I accidentally put in Preamp mode. Changed the setting and everything worked. Cost me 2 days of lost pleasure though.

I may punish myself (sic) by spending $ on another set of power tubes (as a back up) and enter the world of tube rolling. Any solid suggestions for listening to blues guitar, jazz and chicks singing ?

Also, do I need to be concerned about the 5 preamp tubes ?
You have one preamp tube (the middle 12AU7).      The rest of the nine-pin miniatures, comprise the front end of the Rogue’s power amp section.      If it’s sounding good; no (no worries).      Those will typically last much longer than the output tubes.       KUDOS, on finding the issue.
Check them at least, ay. Do you have a way, or know someone?

It will also tell you how much is still there, and when you might need to change them, or at least be looking for some good replacements.

Panic buying is no fun, over a valve. A spare or two is never a bad idea,
and you really don't want to let them FAIL, before replacing...
It can cause more than a valve to fail.. ok...

The Tubes, what a crazy band.... :-)
