Cable comparison charts?

I see 18 interconnect  Audioquest cables, I see 8 different IC Cardas cables.  Are there any charts showing the differences between the cables without going through each spec sheet one by one?  Am I missing something or are they making it hard on purpose?

apologies. I’m having a weird morning.

Humans do tend to think the same when confronted with differences, that they lean in similar directions. If they allow themselves to be neutral about where they are coming from.

And, if they are good at communicating such in a common form of language and casting of the concepts. Kinda like trying to have a scientific method, a thing with purposeful commonalities. Language itself is it’s own form of an attempt in the direction of a ’scientific method’.

We all see an ’orange’ but we all see it differently. So it has the same label but internally, the interpretation is different.

If we are aware of this, the ’coloration’ from the individual, is minimized... in most cases, so a consensus of general direction can be obtained. but it usually can’t go any further than that...

Marketing will do what marketing does, so spreadsheet.

The variance in human condition says that those aspects of individuation would hold more sway than the spreadsheet, as so few people know the origins of the sound characteristics of their own room.

Thus the given spreadsheet would have too much error to be useful, as utilized from the drivers seat of the individual.

Rather the spreadsheet is not in error, but the range variance, in individuals... is great enough... to make the spreadsheet almost useless for the individual humans using it.

The forum itself, in almost every single post available to be read.... should be enough evidence of that.

J Gordon Holt of Stereophile magazine tried, at one time, to make a common language for audiophiles. Many tried to hold the torch. It sorta took shape (over time), to those who are paying attention.

I tried to do the same for video, high end video, when I was steering Goo Systems on a day to day basis, and was exploring the cutting edge of video, as I was making said cutting edge. (eg, I still make the best projectors, in any realm of projection technology)

The cacophony of human noise and human projections on the AV forums made it impossible. Not unexpected. But I had to try.

Sound familiar?
+++++++1 three_easy-payments

It's become simply astounding how a few on this forum have anointed themselves the masters of the audio universe. They are rude and obnoxious. One might refer to them as Mother of all BS. 

i wanted a copy of the spreadsheet cuz i needed some add’l artwork for my media room LOLOLOLOLOLOL

everybody chill out -- we are ALL crispy and punchy from Covid shut in, anxiety and boredom!!!!!!!!
Ahh, in my vision the spreadsheet was column after column of numbers. Because measurebators get off on measuring and that means numbers. Totally forgetting spreadsheets can include lots of pretty pictures and graphs. Glossy print, classy frame, I could totally see the wall art aspect. 

Anything to avoid the whole messy process of having to, you know, listen to them.