br3098, You are confusing two different things. roberjermain is correct, and I wrote the same thing, a few posts above yours. BOTH increasing tonearm effective mass and increasing cartridge compliance will decrease the resonant frequency of the system. If you will look at the equation, you will see that the product of the two quantities is inversely proportional to Fres. Now, what bdp and you are talking about does not per se alter the resonant frequency, as long as you don't change effective mass and compliance. What damping and choice of materials does, if done smartly, is take the energy of the resonance that will occur at the calculated frequency and spread out or broaden the resonant peak, the range of frequencies at which the energy of resonance is dissipated, which is usually a good thing that can mitigate an otherwise bad pairing of cartridge and tonearm. And yes, the (distance from the pivot to the center of mass of the CW)-squared times the mass of the CW, adds to effective mass. That's why, if you want to minimize effective mass, you want a heavy CW that can be moved as close as possible to the pivot. (Because the em will vary as the distance-squared but only in direct proportion to CW mass.)