CJ's newest line stage says **triod**, you would THINK, = A X or AU or AT,,no employs a single 6922, which might bea triod, i don't know,,, buta single 6922 ina line stage??? how is that tube , the glory of true tube circuitry?
and then read the review,
where the guy says,
The real purpose ofa line stage is to pass the music, with the very least amount of influence/coloration**
Yes, correct,,, But he also fails to complete the sentence,, **with the highest fidelity to the sonic fq;'s comming from the digital source,,** ahhh, thats the critical value of a ~true high fidelity line stage~~~ , passing fq with purity, naturalness, ~~FIDELITY~~( That ancient term Philips coined wayyy back at the very beginnings,, but which has gotten toss aside , lost among high powered selling ads, promos and such)
ha, get out your AMEX Gold card.
and then read the review,
where the guy says,
The real purpose ofa line stage is to pass the music, with the very least amount of influence/coloration**
Yes, correct,,, But he also fails to complete the sentence,, **with the highest fidelity to the sonic fq;'s comming from the digital source,,** ahhh, thats the critical value of a ~true high fidelity line stage~~~ , passing fq with purity, naturalness, ~~FIDELITY~~( That ancient term Philips coined wayyy back at the very beginnings,, but which has gotten toss aside , lost among high powered selling ads, promos and such)
ha, get out your AMEX Gold card.