Line Stage Preamplifiers AX vs AU

Just learning a  few things about these components,,, seems to me best tube fora  linestage (PREamp term should only be applied to a  amp with phono section/ w/o phone, = Line Stage) anyway,, seems to me best circuitty for a  *passive line stage* would be the 12AU7 tube,  and not employ any 12AX7's. 
The AX ha s a mu of 100, so it really scrams and thus pushes the db level too much as it reaches the pwoer amp.
The AU has a  mu of only 15, so its alsmost passive, which is really whata  line stage should be , just passing the  signal from the source to the amp,  with the least involvement, IMHO alot of line stage amps, have too much coloration and muddiness due to the usage od 12AX7's. 
Leaving me with voting the only  line stage  employing all 12AU7 circuitry i know of under $2K as best Line stage on the market.
The Cayin SC6 Mark2, IMHO will shootout ~~any~~ preamp under say $4K,,and beat out some priced at $15K+. 
~~$12K~~ for those curious on the price of the ET7S2. 
Hope I'm not stepping on any USA fans toes here,,,but come on,  the Chinese  engineers /lab has the USA lab  beat by a  grand slam,,  In the shootout~~ would  have Cayin smoking  CJ's britches down before he even thought about drawing the gun....
soundstage, resolution, purirty, fidelity, dynamics, colors (Non coloration), musicality. 
One lab  would rate high,,the other lab  dismally low. 
Now for a super high craftmanship design point/point wiring, ~~Scaffold crafted~~~ with pure silver wire.
Dual super high quality trans. etc etc
Now THATS a circuitry worthy of my digital source to pass.

also note in CJ’s web page,, **and as with all our products , we give special attention to service of our units**,
Cayin is built on the very same level as Jadis,, = they never fault. You do not need ever worry about service, as you will not need a servicing tech. The track record of cayin is 20+ years, zero repairs.
Same as Jadis, 20+ yrs, no need for service.

NOTE ck the weight
CJ @15 lbs
Cayin SC6Mark2 @ 25 lbs
=No brainer. 

@mozartfan  You might want to hear what a 6SN7 does for a line stage. The 12AU7 is based on the 6SN7. Actually the 6CG7 is a 6SN7 in a miniature envelope, and the 12AU7 is the same geometry as the 6CG7 but with half the plate area.