Would also like to add: remember that exactly where, and in what order, your recordings will ultimately land is overwhelmingly determined by the quality of your setup.
For the longest time, I believe it was J Gordon Holt, who went around proclaiming the relative recording quality of various vinyl editions in general, but as his system progressed into the $30k territory, he found himself reversing his opinions on several of his recommendations and ultimately felt himself forced to admit that trying to divine overall recording quality was actually too hazardous for anyone to do definitively.
For the longest time, I believe it was J Gordon Holt, who went around proclaiming the relative recording quality of various vinyl editions in general, but as his system progressed into the $30k territory, he found himself reversing his opinions on several of his recommendations and ultimately felt himself forced to admit that trying to divine overall recording quality was actually too hazardous for anyone to do definitively.