Increasing arm mass lowers resonance frequency@roberjerman, that's simply not true. It's a common misconception because resonance charts calculate frequency based on total arm weight. But resonance is a function of other factors besides weight; including stiffness, flexibility and damping. Putting a weight on the headshell will help to damp the headshell but not the arm tube. And weighting the headshell may actually result in worse performance. Probably not unacceptably worse but often measurable worse.
The tonearm is a level balanced on a fulcrum. If you take a counterbalanced lever of, let's say, 10 feet long, and increase the weight on both the headshell (effort arm) and the move the counterweight away from the fulcrum, will the resonance increase, stary the same or decrease (amplitude AND frequency stabilize or shift)? The correct answer is that amplitude will increase and frequency will shift. The same thing happens with a tonearm, but on a much smaller scale. 😁