No "Room Correction" Topic option. Why?

I wanted to pose a question on room mods but do not see a logical place
to insert it so I am going with "Speakers" as a good, wrong choice.
Moderators, can you attend to this deficiency? 

My question: I am redoing my listening room in several ways.
Not because it was bad-quite the contrary. But because the room 
was a dark hole so I bought three new windows and replacement door.
The existing wall allowed rain water in from the patio floor outside.

 I started dismantling a 20' section of wall. As I opened the wall i found the
existing base plate-not treated wood, to be dust. Then mold on the drywall.
then termite evidence. 

Once the old crap was gone, I poured a concrete base plate 20 feet and another 6 feet
on the return. Termite damage had trashed the double sill plate and parts of two joists.

With all the wiring exposed I discovered an abandoned 220 a/c line buried in the wall.
Voila!  I had 2 dedicated 110v outlets for another part of the room. 

Might as well add 5 can lights while I was at it.

I upgraded the Streaming ethernet line from cat 5 to cat 7. Might as well
since I had sawsalled thru the old line. 
Then I learned that fiber is a better bet so I will be changing that later.

Another find! A buried abandoned entry door offering a 30" x 80" x 10" shelving

I started this task by removing the old carpeting.

Now to my question. 

Shall I go with new porcelain tile flooring and plan on area rug -or-
put carpet back for its superior sound absorbing properties?

I hope someone out there has been down this road and has
an experience to share?

Thank you!

@avsjerry the product I use is Acousticork , it is foam and cork, ignore my error in quoting sorbothane. Never the less- effective. As for the Labrador, some small amounts of random are good

For those who appreciate science and the blacker arts, try ( pardon the pun ) cutting some carbon black powder into green glue.

i have done this with plugs for fireplaces and in a vocal booth , your mileage may vary
For those interested in soundproofing, you may want to check out the construction of my stereo house in "my system".
With regard to carpet: do you have any down-firing subs? I have owned a few, and have experimented with them on wood floors and concrete floors, with and without carpet.

Carpet vs. hard surface under a down-firing speaker may get different results. May also be true of speakers with down-firing ports or down-firing passive radiators.
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