Don't get me wrong. The Primaluna unit is very nice. But, it isn't on the same level with the REF 3.".
I agree completely with the statement above.
I "could", make quite a long list as to the, "why's" of my thoughts.
But after reading the above?
"I feel that it should quite suffice".
Unless...Someone really wants a read where I merrily follow that "Rabbit Hole", down into a minutiae rich oblivion....
I will say that the "Prima Luna" products I have physically seen recently?
They looked to be of a much lower build and material quality than I had remembered.
Did something change?
Ok, After fighting with myself for five minutes over whether or not I should say this....;
The last units which I saw. "Just after unboxing". They all had a (definite), "Toys-R-Us" quality to them.
"Clones", mayhap? But even then, they should have looked....much, much different to my eye's.