What isolation feet under your amp with great result?

I'm looking for more cleaner, micro inner details. Not tone control or dynamic.
Amp is 82-lb. TIA
Also @mitch2 those footers are the same ones I'm reporting on... They work great.
Interesting that you got great results with the speakers but not any improvement with your gear. I'll be getting my Isoacoustic Oreas for my integrated and SACD player tomorrow and will report back soon.

The nice part is: if I don't like them, they go back, with only postage to pay.

All the best,
@nonoise I should say that it's unclear what change adding under my equipment did.

I installed everything at once, noticed the change in speaker balance created by loss of bass response, moved the springs up under my head units, and then enjoyed the best sound I've had in my system.

I trust the science behind what I'm hearing on the speaker end and do believe that they're helping under my equipment.  I'll be leaving them in place, but don't feel motivated to do an A & B. It sounds great as is...
You might drop an additional $30 on the springs from that Amazon link Mitch posted, since you’ll be in demoing mode anyway. Based on my experience, I think they’ll outperform the oreas, and if not, it’s a cheap experiment.
@cal3713 ,
Your feedback is most appreciated. Knowing now what you did, I'm going to try the Oreas under my integrated first, thinking it may have the least effect, and then under my SACD player, where there's lots of motion that needs to be quelled, despite the robust build of it.

My speakers won't be touched as of now but after reading many positive reviews on use with speakers, I may entertain some other way of stand mounting my speakers. The problem is, I love the way they look on their low metal stands with that slight tilt back. It's so retro. 👍

All the best,