q3 magico

Good morning .....
There are no review on q3??
Thank you to all forum members.
I don't understand the Tidal cost structure---I mean, they are mdf cabinet speakers at extremely high prices. At least Magico and Wilson seem to give you a unique cabinet at their respective pricing.
Keithr, lack of cabinet resonance is the goal not the materials involved. Where are the measures of cabinet resonance?
Tbg - Where are the measurements of anything coming out of Tidal? I find it interesting that these speakers have never been measured by any publication, at least non I could find. As if Tidal chooses who to give its product for review. Looking at Tidal Technology page, I was struck by the lack of real empirical information of any kind. I particularly like the conclusion: "It should not be difficult to confirm with one's own ears that a TIDAL speaker perfectly masters these disciplines.” Hilarious, IMO.
Tbg- it's been repeatedly shown that mdf is poorer to other materials. I'm sure JA's measurements on a Tidal will clarify that as well at some point in the future.

But considering the price Tidal charges (24k for a 2.5 way and on up)--- I personally expect more. Magico's V2 has a better cabinet at 30% less (both 2.5 ways).

I'm sure the Tidals sound good---but my guess is that yet another mdf speaker with ceramic drivers won't make a push like Magico into the upper echelon. Perhaps i will be wrong, who knows.

Ramzika, I actually expect any manufacturer's website to be complimentary to one's own products. Sometimes bordering on a bit of hyperbole. Check out Wilson's advertisements in Stereophileas an example. I don't fault them one bit (whether Magico, Tidal, Wilson and YG). I mean if a manufacturer doesn't advocate for its own products either directly on its own website or through paid advertising, who will? FWIW in the case of Tidal, I don't recall ever seeing a print ad for Tidal.