Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions

I am the very happy owner of the first pair of New Tekton Design Encores and I thought I would create this thread to answer any questions anyone might have regarding the Encore speakers, room considerations, and associated equipment. If you’ve order your pair already, please chime in. I really want to hear what other people’s experience are with these unbelievable speakers.

I drive my Encores with both an Art Audio Diavolo SET 300b Tube Amplifier with 8wpc and I switch in my 700w Nord One-Up SE Monoblocks for non-critical listening and some big pieces of music that benefit from the extra power.

  • Made under U.S. Patent 9247339 with multiple new patents pending
  • Proprietary loudspeaker design
  • Ultra-linear frequency response with ±.5dB deviation from 70Hz-20kHz
  • One single crossover element placed within the tweeter path
  • Ultra-linear, entirely time-invariant minimum-phase mid-range section
  • Proprietary patent pending 15 dome radiating hybrid MTM high frequency array
  • Two 6.5" mid-bass patented ’overtone & harmonic’ transducers
  • Dual 11" low-frequency transducers
  • ​96dB 2.83V@1m sensitivity
  • 4 Ohm design for optimum performance
  • 20Hz-30kHz frequency response​
  • Dimensions Width 13.25" x Depth 15.25" x Height 62"
  • 800 Watt power handling
  • Weight 175 lbs​
@coot Yes, I only have 2 digital sources I switch between and I prefer the sound quality running source-direct from my dac. 
All of us have some HF hearing loss due to aging, noise exposure, etc.  Most don't realize it.  Forgive me, I am a little confused about what Eric said about the difference between the Encore and Moab.  "He described the Encores having a fuller more refined sound like the SEAS Pendragons' sound signature type, whereas the MOABs emphasized the "live" sound signature type that Tekton is known for."  Does the "live" sound have more HF, making the Moab a brighter sound with more HF, and the Encore having more bass and fullness with less HF?  If this is correct, than I would think the Moab would help you compensate for HF hearing loss, unless you want a more laid back, mellow sound.
viber6,Unfortunately, my hearing loss is worse than just normal hearing loss due to aging.  Almost 10 years ago when I went to an audiologist to get my hearing checked), the tests revealed that I have accelerated high frequency hearing loss starting at about 6000 HZ and with an accelerating decline for higher frequencies.  I still am waiting for a good audiophile headphone solution which can boost selectively boost the high frequencies but leave other frequencies as-is!
As to your specific question, I'm afraid I reproduced as best as I could remember Eric's specific words and don't know much more than that.  He didn't describe/contrast the speakers by referencing frequencies.  He  drew a parallel between the Encores and the SEAS Pendragons which I already have and like very much.  I am guessing he was saying the Moabs were like the live sound of the non-SEAS Pendragons, but since I haven't heard the Encores, non-SEAS Pendragons, or the Moabs, any such comparisons would basically be meaningless to me.  I can say that the SEAS Pendragons have a more full-bodied sound than the Monitor Audio speakers that I was coming from--when I had better hearing, I recall that those speakers had a more delicate high frequency sound than the SEAS Pendragons, but with my hearing loss, they sound more lifeless than the SEAS Pendragons, which have a better mid-rage, bass, and have a more coherent sound.  Since I was leaning towards the Encores anyway due to their smaller size, that was enough for me to take the plunge.

My wife thinks I am crazy to spend $7,000 on the Encores without ever hearing them in person, but I wanted to experience a flagship speaker before my deteriorating hearing was at a point where I could no longer tell the difference.
I hope it works out and your wife comes around after you receive The Encores.Maybe even smile,nod her head let you know what a Mad Genius you are for ordering them
@jsoku I'm very sorry about your hearing loss buddy. This is something I worry about as I get older. I am very happy though you are getting the Encores. You are not crazy.  The very best stuff is in the midrange my friend. There's few if any speakers with a better midrange in my opinion. I can't wait until you get them bud! :-)

If any you guys haven't already found the Tekton Design Speakers Worldwide Owners Group on Facebook we have over 1000 members and it's a very friendly group, at least we try to keep it that way. Feel free to join us there for chat, questions, or just to post system picts if you want. I posted a link below. Hopefully it works.  Make sure to answer the question, especially the Rules. This filters out fake accounts.