Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...

I owned a low cost headphone for many years, the Fostex TH7B, first version( a new one close version exist Fostex TH7BK), semi-open headphone...I was never completely satisfied by any headphones I ever owned: Hifiman 400, Stax basic lamda, Stax 5 gold,Akg 340,Akg 701, beyerdynamic 990, and T150... Because in each of them with all their qualities I never listen to at the same times, a confortable headphone with natural timbre and voicing, with a good imaging and a realistic soundstage(not too close to my ears)...

For the last days I tweaked this Fostex, to damp his internal resonance I used sorbothane, I put some shungite stones at the exterior part of the cups and I use some Herkimer diamond in the interior pads( 3 at 120 degree) … Now this low cost headphones crush all my others if I sum all his qualities... For example his mids and voicing cannot beat the AKG 340 but among all my other headphones it is the best that is near that mids and it is more confortable, and with longer cable than the 340...His imaging is better and more realistic than the 340 etc etc...It is the same if I compare with the others...

His most important qualities is natural timbre and clear imaging,very precise pinned point accuracy and natural, so clear it crush for that ALL the others to dust...In the French audio circle the reviews were more than very positive few years ago...Diapason d’or and choc Classica...I am not the only one impressed buy the ratio quality/price... But remember that thesae reviewers dont tweak their headphone...The difference between before and after the tweaks are staggering...

Yes Miracles happens in Audio: cost is under 100 American dollars... Few years ago they cost me 50 bucks new... I never dreamed that I will go back to headphones...

I will enjoy your miracles stories of any kind ….My best to all...
I use self adhesive copper tape on the shungite.... The copper tape is always at the external side of the shungite, namely the shungite face always touch any location where i put it all along the electrical grid....

For pyramid, but it is not practical and i dont use them much, i cover with copper tape all faces of the pyramid except the base; then it is the basis of the pyramid that is in contact to the gear or objets where i put it....

Please ask your questions here and report here....

I wish you the best
My ultimate Cable connections of all my grids

I just made a fourth connectionwith thin phone cable to another set of Schumann Generators from the dangling "Bell of bells" in the center of my room...

Almost all my S.G. are connected by thin phone cables now to the twin fans and to some cones grid and to some grid of stones....

Except for a very costly designed acoustical room, the way to go for all of us is with passive treatment of the room... But this passive treatment CANNOT replace the active controls i created with the grid of modified and cabled Schumann generators and my other grids and cones resonators....

Each room with difficult dimensions and some other particularities will present many obstacles, then passive treatment only will be unsufficient and ven with many resonators ( my singing resonators and the Helmholtz one)....We must try with many more active resonators and active Schumann generators all connected....

Results were better with each connections...And 4 small audible increase in S.Q. at the end create an astounding effect....

Takes with a grain of salt my qualifying adjectives all along the way, but not my final results.... There is NO relation between the S.Q. of these same electronic components i own all along these series of experiments from the beginning to the end results....No comparison.... My self confidence comes from that, and i can say most people dont know the real S. Q. potential of their own audio system by too much lack of controls in their three embeddings....

My sound heaven is in 2 form: nearfield 3 feet and at 8 feet from the speakers, with an astounding holographic imaging decoupled from the speakers....No degradation of timbre or dynamics, except if i connect it in a wrong manner .... We cannot make it without listening experiments, because each audio room is different, but my devices will work in any irregular small room...

My best to all....

Audio heaven cost peanuts..... Dont upgrade, embed it all..... :)

Dont trust anyone except your wife and your ears.. :)
Several authentic Alexander Calder mobiles hung strategically from different spots on the ceiling make a world of difference to my listening experience.
My ultimate Cable connections of all my grids

I just add a fifth thin phone copper cable to the dangling "Bell of bells" from my ceiling, parallel to the other last cable i have add, to another Schuman generator beside another one already connected today to the same Bell....

Audible effect immediately evident, a decoupling of the speakers TOTALLY from the sound image.... Before that i was speaking of an holographic image detached from the speakers, but this times it was a very complete detachment indeed...

The reader must understand that BEFORE the change, nobody can consider and envision the depth of the changes... This explain why i repeat all along my posts the same increasing changes with the same words.... all my device controls and experiments add something new one step at a time..... At the end the sound has no more relation with the few months before.... I even said to my wife 3 months ago, " i think i am done with my inventions and i cannot increase the S.Q. no more"....She does not believe me even if i believe it myself when i said it....

You are like me with your audio system unconscious of what it can really gives at his optimal working level when the 3 embeddings are relatively on controls, especially the acoustic active controls of the room, key to the speakers revelation and not only the passive one....

I hope the best for you all..... Music heals....