Quick power cord question:

With a  DIY power cord that I just made, (pure, solid .9999 12 gauge silver) the tubes in that mono amp seem to be a little brighter than the other amp with the original power cord. So, do you think the tubes are brighter because they are getting more power through the new DIY cord or is the amp having to work harder and that’s why the tubes are brighter?


It is long(ish) and not that simple to follow. Maybe the part of it is because of translation.

One part caught my eye so maybe someone can clarify...

"Although it cannot be proved by numerical values ​​or formulas, BOP QF appears to play a role of’accelerating by giving kinetic energy’ to the flow of current flowing through the audio cable on a similar principle to this cyclotron accelerator. That is, 1) a DC cable wound in a solenoid coil method on an audio cable creates an external magnetic field and an electric field, and 2) a magnetic field is generated by Ampere’s right-hand screw (right hand) rule even in the audio cable itself, where an electric current flows......"

(The rest of the passage switches towards why it would sound in a certain way.)

If it cannot be proven, what makes it appear that way? I think they are describing their hypothesis, rather than showing how and why it appears. Am I misunderstanding/misreading it? It surely went over my head but not as much as some things earlier.
I think you’re right in that it appears to be a hypothesis bases on existing theories with no real way of measuring. The translation is the sticking point. The proof will end up being in the listening.

That, and I can almost commiserate with the extremes the testers went through with all the cable samples and hands on trial and error testing. 8 years is a long time to put something through its paces.

All the best,
Mr. rodman99999

That battery you got, is for an Interconnect?
Between what it is connected? (the line and shield)?
Post removed 
I got just the opposite thought. I started thinking that geoffkait was, with all his shortcomings, keeping lunacy in check. Nowadays, everybody is geoffkait and then some.