Has digital come close to or beat up analog yet ?

How about it digitals, how good are you doing out there? Let's talk 05 circuits and product and see who's getting it right for a change. Or are we going to keep turning over product and monies to support others mistakes. Yes we can call the mistake the next generation of product line. Yeah and then turn that product over until somebody gets it right. Now who might that manufacturer be, I wonder who's getting it right or close to it? Do you know? Please advise this old flaming fart. You know the match trick,remember?
i meant "crazy" in a good way, you know, like wacky, etc. i wasn't trying to put down your cool cd player.

It sounds remarkable - pure and natural, just like music. I have yet to hear one better, though I haven't heard the Meitner stuff.
i have the same money into my vinyl setup as in my cd, and the cd is gaining ground with me. i got a frest lp yesterday and really enjoyed it, but lps have deteriorated badly with only a couple dozen plays;at least they play where the cds don't always.

i set up a stereo for a party in a 24' diam. canvas yurt 2 days ago. i put extremely efficient openbaffles right next to a large window so the back wave would not be heard or cancel out the front wave (mostly in the bass). a yamaha 1010 midfi int. amp was hooked up to a cheap sub, then after a filter gave the sub eveything from 150 hz and lower, the band above that was handed to the mains. neither the amp nor this method of setting it up was deemed satisfactory in my home stereo. 10 cent interconnects were employed as well as thick monster braided speaker wire. the source was a cheap dvd toshiba which predated the 3950 and did not even display the tracks. THE SOUND WAS BETTER THAN MY REGULAR STEREO, AS GOOD AS MY FRIENDS APOGEE/ROWLAND/CAL SETUP! all because of the window baffle, the dead listening room, and the huge deep-cycle BATTERY POWER than fed the AC sockets.
I ain't lyin.