Vandersteen 5Aa Carbon--any 5a owner's opinions?

I'm new to 5as, having my pair since only 23 April. They're absolutely the best-sounding speakers I've ever heard, and I'm thrilled to have them.

But I understand that some of us V'steenists have raved about the 7's superior transparency, etc. The 5a Carbons use the 7's MR driver and (I think) a better tweeter than the 5a. Has anyone heard them?
For the record, the 5a to 5a carbon upgrade will be $8600, but as has been pointed out, only original 5a owners need to apply.
How difficult is it to set up Vandersteen 5As yourself with the equalizer & all that?
((How difficult is it to set up Vandersteen 5As yourself with the equalizer & all that?))

If you are a pre owned buyer you will want to read the
well written manual with set up points.
1 A volt meter to find out the proper dip switch setting
for your amps real input Imp.
2 Stereophile test CD with 1000 hz 100 hz test tone to
confirm dip switch are set correctly
3 A bubble level and laser for proper side to side and
4 A stereophile test CD with the Warble tones to adjust
the in room EQ.
5 Rad shack analog SPL meter works fine.

6 Measuring tape best listening distance

Even if you just leave the all factory
strait up and down but nail the correct input Imp
you will be in for a real treat.
When set up though with decent gear and
Big gun cables they are lighting in a bottle fun.
Cheers Johnnyr
Yeah, the 5s and 5As were always best-of-show for me at the NY Stereophile shows year after year. One of the few I thought I could really live with long term & never feel the need to upgrade.
When buying the Vandersteen speakers new, the dealer always sets it up for reason to buy it new. John Rutan of Audio Connection set mine up and did an excellent job...the reason to buy it from him.