Running Two TT into one phono input, best options?

I am pretty sure I have broached this subject before, heck I may have even made a similar thread in the past.

But here is my quandary.

I have three TT but only two input on my phono.

I really do NOT want to plug/unplug every time I want to use one that is not plugged in atm.

So is there any good option for very low level switching out there?

My quick Google searching brought up a USA company called Decware that make passive preamps and switch boxes. What caught my eye was that they specifically have an option to configure a unit as low level tonearm input instead of line level.
Which sounds perfect to my ears, maybe....

Anyone ever used one of these or have other options or solutions?
Thanks and stay safe.
I also went thru this recently, started a thread, found a few options, members added a lot to the discussion and suggested choices

For MM, any simple RCA a/b switch will do it, I had an old small Sony Video Switcher, a,b,c,d in, 1 out. Best arm/cartridge direct to phono 1, a/b switch to phono 2 for the other 2 arms.

Then I decided to enter the world of Moving Coil

Any Step Up Transformer (SUT) with a combination of 2 selectible inputs, and PASS will do it, that lets you keep using your existing preamp’s phono, 1 direct, 2 thru SUT.

I got this, 3 selectable inputs. I love it, versatile options for MC, and PASS for MM, separate selector for the 3 rear inputs. You could run all 3 arms thru this, then into your Phono 1 input, use any combo of MM/MC,
Luxman made switches under their top class turntable as as option to connect phono cables from two tonearm to one little box (located under the turntable). It was made in the golden age of analog for use with phono cartridges of that era.

A separate Luxman Line Selector Box is very easy to upgrade with modern high-end components (and a bit of soldering skills). I've seen this box in use with high-end tonearms, can't remember, i think it was on youtube. I believe this box is a good quality. 

The best solution is a phono stage with as many phono inputs as you need.
This was the reply from Decware on the changes to their box for low level tonearm inputs.

" Kevin, for tonearm applications we do not add the splitting resistors on the dual output jacks. Nothing internal but silver wire and silver switch."

For now I have decided to take option 3 from my short list and will be running the Rega mono table into its own simple MM phono and into a single ended input on my BAT.
Thanks to all for there help here
I decided to play safe.

Fed both the 401 and the Avid with MC carts into the Goldnote PH-10 and bought a Vincent PHO-8 just for the Rega with mono Ortofon MM cart and feeding that into a single ended input on the amp.

All works well sweetly and in all honesty all TT now seem to be quieter at the speakers, quite considerably less background noise.
More than likely due to rerouting of cables while rearranging than anything else I think.