What isolation feet under your amp with great result?

I'm looking for more cleaner, micro inner details. Not tone control or dynamic.
Amp is 82-lb. TIA
I, too, found the Herbie's products to make things sound a bit mushier as well, and I've tried 3 different types of their products. I'm still waiting for my Isoacoustic Oreas to arrive and just found out it took 4 days to go 14.5 miles, from Niles, Ill. to Chicago, Illl. and now they seem to be on the way via FedEx ground and pound to the Los Angeles area.

Original delivery was supposed to be yesterday. Go figure. By their track record, I should get them by the end of next week, if not the week after.

All the best,
Noob question perhaps, but how can isolated feet contribute to better sound quality?
Search couple vs decouple here and over on audioasylum and you will find as much information as you will care to read.  IMO, the answer is - it depends....on so many things that there is no one size fits all answer.  In the end, the result is subjective.
In  my system, the amps are decoupled by sitting on springs over Silent Running Audio platforms, but the platforms are coupled to heavy Sound Anchor stands that are spiked (i.e., coupled) to the concrete floor.  My speakers are bolted to heavy (I.e., 70 pound) Sound Anchor stands that are spiked to the floor.  Next week, I am going to try decoupling them using Herbie’s products. I will find out then which sounds better to me.
Thank you everyone for sharing. I really appreciate. I will look into some of your recommendations especially ones leaning to improving inner details or resolutions. Meanwhile, I happen to find in my closet an extra set of 3 called “a floating balls design” that I bought years ago from Custom Isolation dot Net- great and nearly identical result that I’m getting from my CDP. I’m sharing the link here: http://customisolation.net/detail.asp?IDA=157Anywho, just like cables, diff isolation feet designs do make vary impact to audio system ... to my ears at the least, unfortunately. 
Just thought I'd chime in to let you know I got the Isoacoustic Oreas today (FedEx must have read this). I had an inkling they'd work better for my SACD player what with all the spinning going on so I tried them with integrated first, to see just how little it would improve things.

I was wrong.

The result wasn't earth shattering but the focus is much better. My Marantz/JBL combo always had a nice, full and easy sound. Now it's like it went on a diet. I thought it was more midrange centric but after lots of listening, it's across the board improvement with no area sacrificing for another. 

Inner detail or insight, if you will is everywhere to be heard. Vocals are much more intelligible and natural sounding. Highs have a bit more air and sparkle, but just a bit. I'd say more coherent would sum it up best. 

It got better when used under the SACD player. I'm going to experiment with the front two footers and see if just one sounds better tomorrow. I was told that having just one resonance point working under the CD transport might sound better than having two. This is starting to be fun again,

All the best,