Be aware that it could take weeks to months to position your speakers. You are starting at a big advantage in having used speakers, and not needing to break-in a new pair. If they have been in storage, they still may benefit from some hours of warming-up.
Avalons are very finicky about set-up. You will need to experiment to 'lock' onto that holographic image. Width, depth, and toe-in provide infinite possibilities. There will be times when you think you are close, but it does not quite come together.
I would suggest to just get them in a reasonable position for the first number of days, so you can learn what they do. Then, you can take some time to fine-tune. It may be useful to take notes, take measurements, and mark prior positions in tape so you can return to these quickly. Having a 2nd person would help.
So, all I am saying is that any magic may take some time.
Avalons are very finicky about set-up. You will need to experiment to 'lock' onto that holographic image. Width, depth, and toe-in provide infinite possibilities. There will be times when you think you are close, but it does not quite come together.
I would suggest to just get them in a reasonable position for the first number of days, so you can learn what they do. Then, you can take some time to fine-tune. It may be useful to take notes, take measurements, and mark prior positions in tape so you can return to these quickly. Having a 2nd person would help.
So, all I am saying is that any magic may take some time.