Sound stage, front, middle, or behind your speaker

I've heard all three, and it seemed to have nothing to do with the quality of the speaker. I have dipole speakers and the sound stage is 7 feet behind the speakers. I suppose there are a number of variables that will determine in front or behind; the question is whether or not this is determined by the position of the speaker or the speaker it self?
Huh, interesting. Completely unscientific, but just monkeying with my phase invert switch (which I have otherwise ignored) to more result than I suspected. Normal phase, my soundstage is generally centered 4-5 feet behind and 2-3 feet above the speakers (to the extent of "centered" bits, such as a centered vocal track), with lateral extension out to a couple of feet beyond the speakers (left/right), and identifiable depth separation range running about 4-5 feet(ish) (from the energy center of "centered" bits behind the speakers forward up to between the speakers, and then to a generally lesser extent, extending further back from the center track). On deeper and wider recordings, such as orchestral bits, often extends both deeper and wider, pretty much in a cone back from the listening position, although estimates gey impossibly more impressionistic and hazy very quickly. But, generally, mine lives up and back from the speakers (and listening position).

With the few tracks I just experimented with, phase inversion seemed to flatten any depth of the soundstage considerably, while at the same time moving it forward several feet, almost up to between the speakers. Speakers are generally very "laid back", but the phase inversion made them much more forward -- not a lot, mind you, but definitely more so.... Interesting.
The variable that seems to affect soundstage presentation the most significantly has been the recording it self. Quite a wide margin of differences.
For me, I'm pretty happy if things are just detached from the speakers and I'm not very aware of the drivers. Speakers like Wilsons & Kharmas do some magic tricks with spatial cues, but often with the cost of over-analytical tonality.
After reading everyone's response, I think the vaulted ceiling in my listening room has an effect. The speakers appear to be useless pieces of furniture, unless it's an old recording and then more sound emanates from the speakers. I like invisible speakers.
7 feet? Not 6½?

With my Quatros, the soundstage is very dependent on the electronics. I definitely prefer it to be behind the speakers and for the soundstage to "float" free of the speakers themselves. But the illusion can easily collapse with the wrong electronics.