@jsoku I'm very sorry about your hearing loss buddy. This is something I worry about as I get older. I am very happy though you are getting the Encores. You are not crazy. The very best stuff is in the midrange my friend. There's few if any speakers with a better midrange in my opinion. I can't wait until you get them bud! :-)
If any you guys haven't already found the Tekton Design Speakers Worldwide Owners Group on Facebook we have over 1000 members and it's a very friendly group, at least we try to keep it that way. Feel free to join us there for chat, questions, or just to post system picts if you want. I posted a link below. Hopefully it works. Make sure to answer the question, especially the Rules. This filters out fake accounts.
If any you guys haven't already found the Tekton Design Speakers Worldwide Owners Group on Facebook we have over 1000 members and it's a very friendly group, at least we try to keep it that way. Feel free to join us there for chat, questions, or just to post system picts if you want. I posted a link below. Hopefully it works. Make sure to answer the question, especially the Rules. This filters out fake accounts.