Upgrade Question

So, I’m a dyed-in-the-wool, old school, CD guy. Not interested in vinyl or streaming. I have currently a Musical Fidelity 3D CD player that I bought new in 2003. I love the sound of it, but realize that technological advancements in the medium may warrant an upgrade in players, amd the unit may be getting old in the tooth. I’m looking for a one box solution. In addition to the MF, my system consists of a BAT 225se power amp, BAT VK-3i preamp, and Joseph Audio Pulsars (v1). Your recommendations would be most appreciated. Thanks.
if you want a one box solution, i would suggest a modwright modded sony or marantz cd player with outboard tube rectified power suppy and tube output stage - well i guess with the power supply it is 2 boxes...  :)

some of the best sound from cd players ever
I have an MF A 3.2 cd player and recently added an MF M1 DAC.Its an improvement and saves the 3.2 from retirement.
@corelli - my Marantz CD67 (1997)) continues faithfully to work well! No urge to upgrade. When the laser dies I will buy a replacement mechanism.
After looking up the specs on your CD player I wouldn't worry to much about being left behind it looks as if Musical Fidelity looked ahead. I would wager the DAC performs better than some of the ones mentioned here. If you like the sound you're getting now stick with Delta Sigma DACs and avoid these 2R2 contraptions.