Yesterday's Spinners

I'm curious just how good, both as digital processors and CD spinners, a couple of state-of-the-art players from yesterday compare with the best of today.

I have to assume that the new Luxman D-10x has to surpass the Luxman D-08u in some way. 

And I see Soulution has chosen to no longer offer a spinner. So, just how good is the discontinued Soulution 541?
Ever since Elizabeth called CD players and CD transports spinners, everyone seems to call them that.  They are NOT spinners and aren’t marketed as such.  The Spinners was a music group back in the 70’s I believe. 

I remember that, mid 70’s Disco Era I believe. Was never a fan but they had a lot of talent.
'm curious just how good, both as digital processors and CD spinners, a couple of state-of-the-art players from yesterday compare with the best of today.
yesterdays "good" CD (spinners) used as transports, with todays "good" DAC's are as good as you can get digital to sound.
Cheers George
Stereo5: So sorry I took the liberty to refer to a CD player as a "spinner". Oh, the disc Does have to Spin for the machine to be able play it, does it not?  Ugh!