Can hardware change speaker phasing over time??

After years of great listening, I suddenly noticed I wasn't getting the sharp center image with vocals.  I spent hours moving the speakers and even did Room EQ on my Denon receiver (which normally would tell me if speakers are out of phase). The vocals sounded diffuse.  Finally, I switched the wires on one speaker.  BOOM!  Right back to crystal clear center imaging on vocals, on all of my favorite tracks.  I've checked all the wires.  Everything is hooked up right, though now red is hooked to black on one speaker.

Could something have changed the phasing in the hardware?  There is no other place in the set up the wires could have been reversed.  I have triple-checked that the ++++ cable is connected to the red output on the amp.  

Signal goes from Mac Mini by USB to Bryston DAC, by two single channel cables to Denon receiver, by two single channel cables to Parasound A21 Halo amp, by speaker wires (one wire marked ++++) to B&W CM10s.
mozartfan, I think you posted in the wrong thread, but try hooking your speakers up out of phase to see if you get any interesting results!
Can hardware change speaker phasing over time??
theres no such thing as speaker phasing. The phase between left and right can switched anywhere along the signal chain. 
Maybe you changed it and hooked it up wrong by accident. Like you did it and forgot on day.The next day it was out of phase. We all forget sometime.
@ stroud27612
perhaps let's work through a troubleshooting procedure?
Your Denon receiver, is that your volume attenuation to your A21 amplifier?

Have you tried using another source? Like a CD player with it's own DAC for example?
Try switching to another source after you return the cables to your speakers in correct phase?
Did you reboot the computer?
Sorry, you may have done all of this already - I'm trying to help you get to the root cause, by a process of elimination.