Low incoming voltage

Any way to increase incoming voltage?. I am constantly at 109-111V during most of the day. I just happen to be on a leg with many Cannabis factories here in Mich and my local electric service provider (DTE) says this is the main reason. 
I do not think I will get any relief from them and will probably be ok when the weather cools, but very frustrating when I don't have enough juice to efficiently run a pair of monoblocks in a room I just built for listening.
Any ideas on how to increase voltage?.  I have  native 200 amp service.  
Thanks for any input,
You're getting a steady 109-111V. So what again is the problem? None that I can see. Other than incompetent democrat government. But I repeat myself. But as far as electricity goes, there is no problem. US voltage is just as often quoted as 110 as 120, in either case its nominal, with zero ill effects anywhere in that range. Higher is marginally better but this just isn't anywhere near worth spending money on. Especially not when it immediately puts you in a situation of trying to find something high enough quality to not actually make things worse. If you were talking 105V that would be one thing. 109 to 111 is precisely where you ought to be, 110.

As for properly running your amps, by far the largest load they present is right at turn-on. Once their power supplies are charged then it becomes music draw, which even if your last name is VanHalen you still cannot draw as much playing music as charging the caps at turn-on. So relax. Visit the cannabis shop, get yourself some nice stinky green bud. Make the most of it.

If it wasn't for the "democrat government," there would be no "nice stinky green bud."
118-120 should be the norm. I actually blew a fuse in one of the amps because of this.  The system in no way sounds as good at 110 as it does at 120.  Three dedicated 20 amp circuits with 10 Ga Romex     The electric co says 110 is acceptable but they strive for minimum of115. Maybe the Torus Co has something to help me out.  
120, is the US standard. 110 is not.  It use to be 110-117.  The older gear yes the newer gear NO. Plane and simple. Brown out is the worst when it comes to overheating, and in general shortening their life.
My older valve, point to point stuff, I bring them up on a variac, for 2-3 days at 40-50VDC, and at again 90 or so.  NEVER over 115 (117). Two three years in mothballs, gotta be careful. Do that with a new piece of equipment. Actually don't do that!!! It would go nuts...

Maintain 120 you'll be fine. 300.00 or so.. will get you what you need.
Surge, filters above 20 khz and 40 khz, multi-copper outlets. It won't let you swap the PC. I added IEC to one of the 4 I use so I could see if it made a difference. It did not.. BUT it did make me feel better.

Maybe you could get a discount for the last few volts they keep, and you don't get.  Seems fair to me. You get what you pay for. YOUR NOT..

isn’t there a product by ps audio called ac regenerator or power plant that is supposed to fix this?  i am not a power expert - i dunno for sure
