Tannoy Stirlings on the way!

Hi, everybody.  Longtime member, first time caller.

I just ordered up a pair of Tannoy Stirling GR floorstanders, and, frankly, I'm looking for people to rejoice with!

I'm a speakers guy, through and through.  I've got Dynaudios, Focals, B&Ws, Totems, Wharfedales, Klipsches, and even my old Polk 5Bs, the first speakers I ever bought, way back in the '80s.  I wanted to try something very different, and the Prestige line Tannoys really spoke to me.  The coincident drivers, the old-school-ish paper cone, the old-school cabinets and ports.  I'm really looking forward to hearing how they soundstage!

I thought about getting the Turnberrys, but the Stirlings should be just about the perfect size for my [extremely irregular] room.  Especially since I already have a pair of subs.

I'm pretty chuffed.
Happy and excited for you. New gear setup can be an awesome experience.

Thanks, @ovinewar !  Yes, it can be.  Rediscovering music you've heard many times is a big part of the fun.

Wish I could figure out the REL issue, though.  Their customer support is stumped, as well.
I found something that fixes my subs, but I'm not sure why.  Still puzzling over that one, but, in any case, the bass is back to more of what I'm used to.  Need to do some tuning for the Stirlings' greater output in those frequencies.  I may push the couch (my listening seat) back some and see what that does.

I ordered up some room treatments from GIK.  Found out today those won't be here till late October, though.
^^^Glad to hear you you were able to sort out the REL connectivity.
+1, GIK Acoustics. There is about 2 months wait but they will be well worth the wait. I am expecting my Tape Op Collaboration Art Panels by end of this months.
I think it's safe to say they're fully broken in, at this point.  I still have the tweeter set to flat, and I've decided I like them best with the grills on. 

I've been experimenting with toe-in. Those of you who said to pay attention to what's in the manual -- i.e., cross them just in front of the listening position -- were 100% correct. Holy cats! They don't disappear (except with the Perahia recording I mentioned before). Sounds near them tend to stick to them, and I get the sense of things coming from outside them every now and then, but not often. But, man, the stage between them is incredible. In particular, I notice *depth* that I've never really heard before.  On something like the Buena Vista Social Club record, I can hear things coming from way back behind the main performers, 3 or 4 layers deep.

I have the fronts propped up on books to give them some rake, which helped a lot getting rid of the feeling I was peering down into the soundstage.  They could still stand to come up some, but I'm not really comfortable raking them back any further.  I'd like to find some stands -- more like cradles -- to lift them about 4-6 inches and keep the rake angle I currently have.  I know this place at least *used* to have several people offering custom woodwork for racks, platforms, turntable plinths, speaker stands, etc.  Is there anybody still around who might make the kind of thing I'm talking about?