No "Room Correction" Topic option. Why?

I wanted to pose a question on room mods but do not see a logical place
to insert it so I am going with "Speakers" as a good, wrong choice.
Moderators, can you attend to this deficiency? 

My question: I am redoing my listening room in several ways.
Not because it was bad-quite the contrary. But because the room 
was a dark hole so I bought three new windows and replacement door.
The existing wall allowed rain water in from the patio floor outside.

 I started dismantling a 20' section of wall. As I opened the wall i found the
existing base plate-not treated wood, to be dust. Then mold on the drywall.
then termite evidence. 

Once the old crap was gone, I poured a concrete base plate 20 feet and another 6 feet
on the return. Termite damage had trashed the double sill plate and parts of two joists.

With all the wiring exposed I discovered an abandoned 220 a/c line buried in the wall.
Voila!  I had 2 dedicated 110v outlets for another part of the room. 

Might as well add 5 can lights while I was at it.

I upgraded the Streaming ethernet line from cat 5 to cat 7. Might as well
since I had sawsalled thru the old line. 
Then I learned that fiber is a better bet so I will be changing that later.

Another find! A buried abandoned entry door offering a 30" x 80" x 10" shelving

I started this task by removing the old carpeting.

Now to my question. 

Shall I go with new porcelain tile flooring and plan on area rug -or-
put carpet back for its superior sound absorbing properties?

I hope someone out there has been down this road and has
an experience to share?

Thank you!

I guess i was lucky or more diligent in my working experiments....

My speakers sound marvellously well in a bad location and in a bad room...

Active device controls and not only passive materials are the key....You can use a computer to compute the nodes where to put the reflective and absorbant materials, but we must use our ears with the powerful active devices to decide how to connect them and with what and where to put them ( different resonators connected to Schumann generators).

Not only that but my 7 inches driver gives so much clear bass that i listen to with my body then a sub was really without interest... I disconnect the one i own, and i purchase it before my experiments....I listen mainly acoustic music....Cello, organ,piano and human voices.... No need of speakers management controls, perhaps to improve my results a bit for sure , but not more....I want to try the speaker mangement controls understand me, but my active room controls are so good that it will be ONLY to optimize what is already more than good...

No sibilant, clear bass, and imaging and decoupling music sound from the speakers.... That are my results....

Cost : peanuts.....

I will not annoy the reader in reexplaining what i said today in an another thread...i already said too much....


« Why do you trust your ears more than a computer? Because we make love together in the old way» - Groucho Marx
@Chorus - You have 240VAC into your room right?  If you don’t mind, how many conductors are there (in conduit?) and what color are the insulation of the conductors please?

I have been following acoustic fields lately.

So much good information coming from so many sources - thanks for this thread, brilliant!

@tomic601 ....Thanks for that correction re sorbothane.
I'd love to apply the stuff liberally, but the $ involved vs. the sizes I'd like to apply kinda make it unobtainium on a practical level.

If I won a Powerball lottery however, that, and a lot of other things would obviously change in a rather radical fashion. *evil G*

'Scuse the late response...spent the weekend driving 380ish miles....twice.  'Mental road rash' takes a day to recoup from.... ;)

Personally, I've been curious about the use of sheet felt (1/2" thick or greater) as an acoustic accoutrement...any thoughts, yours or the collective?
They acoustic engineer who will be helping me next with my room + speakers told me to consider the following.

PS. Heavy velour drapes like work wonders.

I initially worked with GIK Acoustics to treat the room and they were amazing. I am trying something a little more ambitions next and will use DRC for that.