Benchmark LA4 Preamp?

I’m seriously considering buying this $2,500 solid-state preamp and looking for input from anyone who owns or has heard this preamp.  The LA4 is identical to their HPA4 unit just without the headphone amp.

From all the reviews and Benchmark’s site that I’ve read, this seems like an extremely low noise and neutral preamp that may be a very good match for my extremely low noise, neutral and high powered class D D-Sonic M3-600-M monoblock amps that I use to drive a pair of Magnepan 2.7QR 4 ohm speakers.
My main source for 2-ch music is a Lumin D2 dac/streamer for music files and Tidal streaming. For HT, I’ll be using a yet to be determined 4K Bluray player as I’m also transforming from an Oppo 105 1080p player and 1080p hdtv to 4K. The LA4 has caught my attention since it has dual balanced XLR inputs to accommodate the XLR outputs of the Lumin D2 and whatever new Bluray player I choose. I plan on ordering the optional remote for the LA4 which would allow easy selection between music or HT as well as being a low noise, low distortion and neutral conduit for both.

I really appreciate any input on the LA4, or even options for a high quality Bluray player with balanced outputs, that you’re able to offer.

Going from the warm sound to no sound maybe something to see if you would like with a home trial first. What amps and source do you have?

You guys are making me very curious again about the Benchmark low distortion, low noise approach I was originally keen on trying out with one of their preamps. The approach of just getting out of the way and letting the music itself add any sweetening to the overall sound still makes a lot of intuitive sense to me. The results many of you are attaining with the Benchmark preamps just further validates my thinking.on the benefits of overall system neutrality.
I understand that my choice of the ML 326S preamp instead, which I perceive as basically very accurate and revealing but as adding just a touch of sweetness and palpability in general, may stop a few degrees short of absolute neutrality but I still continue to enjoy it very much.
Of course. without actually auditioning the Benchmark in my system I can’t be certain but I’m imagining I’m experiencing a similar level of neutrality with the ML. However, I’m thinking I’ll probably need to just try the Benchmark out to compare and know for sure which preamp I ultimately prefer.

After years of emails to Benchmark support with endless questions on the application of their DAC 3L with various amplifiers, and with excellent, patient responses from Rory Rall, I made the purchase about two months ago.  Over many years of having used excellent DACs from Cary Audio and McIntosh, the Benchmark is truly a stunner.  I am hearing an astounding increase in detail and clarity from recordings.  While I truly admire Benchmark's LA4 and AHB2 power amp and owning one (or two?) is still on my radar, I decided to pair the 3L with mono-blocked tube McIntosh MC275VI's. The combination has proven to be amazing and again I have to thank Benchmark with guidance on proper matching. While I have 45 years of experience with McIntosh, the quality, performance and support from Benchmark is second to none.
Agreed, they always respond to emails promptly and answer the phone!  When my amp failed shortly after receiving it they resolved it promptly with a replacement.  It took me about a year and it was totally unplanned but I eventually converted my entire system to their amp dac and pre one by one.