Who puts their speakers right up against the back wall and why?

Aside from Klipsch corner speakers, who does this?
it’s about speakers designed for/actual ’room response accuracy’ rather than ’echo-less chamber accuracy’,

you can publish results from this

you cannot publish in-room responses, it’s a gamble how they will sound in your room size/shape/furnishings/surfaces

sealed speakers or rear/side/front ports, passive radiators ...
speakers specifically designed for any combo of wall/floor/corner boost as others have mentioned.

Monster Klipschorns were rear-ported big time, designed and specifically positioned to use the corner as the final part of the ’horn’, clever. They were ’seriously’ toed-in.

I prefer non-ported speakers designed for away from corners, toed in; tilted back for: time alignment and to project tweeter to seated ear height

toe-in and tilt provides non-parallel to floors/ceilings/side walls, avoiding too soon or too strong reflections.

I like heavy speakers on 3 wheels, allows pushing into corners to get them out of the way, move out to pre-determined location (marks on floor), then choose specific toe-in for the recording being played. adjust toe-in for wider center when listening with a friend.

you cannot do that with speakers designed for specific nearby surface reinforcement, and adjustable toe-in, if possible, will be a curious mix of ______?
People place their speakers up against the wall mainly because the speakers (several models) were designed to be used that way. Other people do it because their wives demand it as an ultimatum for the continuance of their marriage. It’s called the WAF or Wife Acceptance Factor, which basically means it’s much more important that she be happy than you.
Boston Acoustics have made some speakers designed to be placed against the wall through the years. We had a pair in a fairly small room (years ago) and they were quite enjoyable.
As I recall there have been Linn speakers that were supposed to be used against a wall