Unimpressive sound from Tannoy B475 subwoofer?

I impulse bought two tannoy b475 18" pro subwoofers over the weekend for what seemed like a good price.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to manage to get decent sound out of them. Did I just make a mistake and buy subs that don't perform well, or is there possibly a problem with my setup?

They want 400w-800w. I've tried a crown 800 (bridged) and a jbl synthesis 400 (bridged) and neither made them sound all that hot. The sub signal is coming from a pioneer elite, which isn't the best setup, but seems to drive my mb quart vera sub fairly nicely. The tannoy sounds much worse.

One possible issue: the crown needs a + and - for input, but the sub output is RCA, so I cut the end off a RCA cable and got the +/- from that. Perhaps bad idea?

What isn't "decent" about them?

Integrating subs is never easy and now you need to integrate two. They need to be crossed over at the proper frequency with the proper slope at the proper level and properly placed. This takes a lot of time experimenting so no wonder you haven't achieved decent sound yet.

The number one mistake people make is turning them up too loud. If they are drawing attention to themselves they are too loud.

Sorry, I wasn't very precise.

If I turn off all speakers and *just* have one sub going (so there is no interference), the sound coming out of it sucks. It's just kind of muffled/chuffing and not that strong. Crossover is at 80

The music I was playing is unusual in that it is bass dominant, so in this case they should be drawing attention to themselves.

The much smaller mb quart vera sub I have (sadly discontinued) is way way better. Which is unfortunate. It's fairly precise and still strong enough to shake house foundations.

I'm hoping I'm just doing something wrong. E.g., not enough power from my home circuit?

Are the B475's viewed as good subs? I couldn't find much on the net other than tannoy seems like a respectable company.
There are 2 different ways to connect a sub. The first is that it is powered by your own amp from which it would have a barrier strip or some other speaker connection....., and the other, it gets a signal from your preamp/Receiver, and the signal goes to the sub's own amp which includes a crossover. The RCA's are probably the input to its own built in amp. It sounds like you got the connections confused. Recheck your connections. RCA female inputs need to come from the sub/out of your receiver.