Lumin X1 with Innuous Zenith Mk3 Question

I have a Innuous Zenith Mk3 server and am considering a DAC upgrade.  I am wondering if I buy a Lumin X1, will I even need the Innuous anymore?  I have a NAS drive wired directly to my Innuous so onboard storage is not a high priority.  I know the Lumin offers streaming capabilities.  I do use ROON for streaming and run the ROON core on my Innuous server, so if I get rid of that how would be the best way to run ROON?  

By the way, I am only CONSIDERING the Lumin X1 as the DAC upgrade.  I am also considering other DACs in its price range.  The dCS Bartok is another I am considering.  While this post is not explicitly asking for high end DAC recommendations, I am also open to your suggestions.  

Thanks for your help.  I'm not extremely savvy with digital gear so I appreciate your suggestions.

If you aren't storing any of your music on the Innuos then you won't need it anymore (or move any music you have stored on it to your NAS), as Roon Core could be run on a much less expensive computer, either whatever computer you already have or you could buy something dedicated like an Intel NUC.

The Lumin X1 sounds magnificent, especially after the Leedh volume algorithm upgrade if you are bypassing any preamp. Roon's direct control of the Lumin volume might make bypassing a preamp relatively easy and convenient for you.

Of course there are lots of other Roon Ready DACs out there that sound excellent but different. Besides DCS, you might also consider MSB. I also recommend Devialet's Expert Pro series, but that might not be the direction you want to go in as they are all-in-one units. The Trinnov Amethyst is another good Roon Ready network streaming DAC that also adds the Trinnov Optimizer.

The issue will be ensuring that the sound character matches what you're looking for, so auditioning will be important. Lumin, DCS, MSB, Devialet, and Trinnov all sound different from each other to some degree.
I just realized that my question is basically moot after learning that the X1 does not include any digital inputs.  I wrongly assumed that it had full DAC features but now realize that it's designed primarily as a streaming device.  That's too bad as I will need to cross it off my list.  I need to at least have an input to run my CD player through.  
The X1 is a combined streamer plus DAC. If you want just a streamer then the Lumin U1 might be worth a look...