Options for ridding records of static electricity

I am getting back into vinyl, listening to “garage sale” finds and also new albums that I have been picking up. I have a nice old Linn Sondek LP12 with the felt mat. Every time I go to remove a record from the spindle or flip the record, static electricity grabs the felt mat and it sticks like a magnet. I have to very carefully flip the felt mat at the corner with my finger but one of these times I’m going to slip and smudge or scratch a record. 

I’ve seen the “Milty Zerostat” and seem to remember this product from back in the day. I see that it is still made and there is one eBay vendor that has them for $77. Is this my best bet? I thought Michael Fremor talked about these in one of his videos. 

Are there other products I should look at to reduce static electricity on my records? Thanks for any help you can give.

Audio Magazine 1978-May, starting ~page 44 of 124 has a discussion with measured data for static charge on records.  The article does say -  "Incidentally, measurements with these instruments have shown that electrification from the direct friction between the diamond and vinyl is, oddly enough, negligible."  You can download a copy of this magazine here:   https://worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Audio/Archive-Audio/70s/Audio-1978-05.pdf.  However, this does not diminish the success of using a conductive (as defined by ESD practices) brush to remove static charge from a record that can develop during play - this is a very common method used for ESD control as is continuous ionizing devices (harm to Buna-N rubber notwithstanding).

Also, for info, the pressure the stylus develops on a record is actually pretty complicated - RCA  Engineer magazine 1966 Aug-Sept has an article DISC PHONOGRAPH RECORDS written by Dr. Max that shows the calculation.  You can download a copy of this magazine here:   https://worldradiohistory.com/ARCHIVE-RCA/RCA-Engineer/1966-08-09.pdf.  
Thanks, Antinn.  I have been unable to find anything on the internet, up or down, that would incriminate or absolve the stylus, until this.
I use a felt mat.....and have practically zero issues with static.  But I'm always barefoot around the house.  So I'm always grounded......seems to work for me.
1) Get rid of the felt mat, replace it with rubber or cork, there are many options.

2) Rinse your records under the tap, such that the record, the water stream running on to the record and the metal spout of the faucet makes ONE UNBROKEN electrical contact.

3) After 2 above, air dry your record with no cloth friction whatsoever.

Same massive and annoying static issues with my Rega P10 using their felt mat. I called them about other options and their technician advised me strongly to avoid using after market brands. He said the mat was specifically constructed for that TT to achieve optimal SQ and any other option could negatively impact sound quality.

I didn’t ask about solutions while using the existing mat and he didn’t offer up any so I called back today but the guy who answered said everyone is on holiday and to call back next Tuesday so I will do that and ask about double-sided tape like the Linn.

Meanwhile and regardless, Sokogear’s Rega dealer recommended the Washi Japanese paper by Teac. $30 on amazon and very cool looking. So Im currently using that - it’s 1mm thick vs. 3mm I think on the rega pad. Zero zilch nada static. Problem fixed 100 percent and i don’t notice any sonic differences, good or bad.