1972 started working in an audio/home appliance store. 1985 left the audio business to work for a maintenance company in Section 8 housing. 1990 I began working for a local school system as an engineer. I got my degree in Electrical-Mechanical engineering in 1977 while working part time at Audio Store. In 1995 the School Committee eliminated all the engineer jobs and being in the union, bid on a job as head custodian at the elementary school I went to school in as a child. I stayed there until my retirement in 2017.
During all that time, went through a lot of audio equipment, some good and some bad. When I retired, I had 2 very nice systems. I cashed out all my accumulated sick and vacation time over the course of my 27 years with the school system upon retirement and spent about 30K of it on finalizing my 2 systems. I am very happily retired with my wife who also retired in 2017, house and cars are paid for and we are living the good life although we are a bit more careful with our money now. Thank God we both have good pensions and Social Security.