Acoustats are excellent. Just about the only brand of good ESL that I have not owned, but my dear friend here in Northern VA had them for many years, so I am quite familiar with them. Acoustat actually originated the idea of using two audio step-up transformers, one for bass and one for treble. I think they called that the "Medallion" option. Sound Labs basically borrowed the idea from Acoustat in the late 90s, I think. At first, SL drove one fraction of the panel with a bass transformer and a smaller fraction with the treble transformer, but in recent years, they drive all panels full range with both transformers. I think Acoustat went down that road, too. I just have no room in my upstairs listening space, where the gigantic 845PXs dominate, to add anything like the size of the subwoofers you use. But I have often considered some smaller alternatives.
Seems you've been nudged off the ledge of absolute certainty that the stylus causes static charge on the LP, at least. That's a good sign.
Seems you've been nudged off the ledge of absolute certainty that the stylus causes static charge on the LP, at least. That's a good sign.