Ohm Walsh 2000 vs MMG vs Vandersteen 2ce Sig?

Ohm Walsh 2000 versus Magneplanar MMG versus Vandersteen 2ce Signature II? How does they compare with respect to speed, dynamics, tonality, texture, detail, tranparency, extension and sound stage?
Models "A" and "F" are the benchmark Ohm products.

Everything else pales in comparison.

Have you heard both properly refurbished Fs say and latest OHM X000 line to compare?

If so, I would be very interested in your assessment.

Also if you have heard Dale Harder's modern takes on the A or F for comparison? These are priced not too far beyond the most expensive current OHMs, although I believe Dale Harder runs a very new and not well known operation.
I owned F for almost 10 years; sold them to purchase Apogee Duetta Signature.

Have heard the new models; unremarkable IMO.

The A and F are Ohm's legacy.
WOW! Thanks for that link, I was unaware of HHR. That's VERY cool, too bad they are as pricy as that, but if I were in the $10-20K speaker market, I'd sure give them a listen.

I remember auditioning Ohm Fs in the very early eighties... Ohm Acoustics had only just introduced the "Walsh 2" then. The sales manager for "Tec Hi-Fi" (the main Ohm dealer in those days) was a friend so I was able to take a pair of 2s and Fs home for a week end. I was extremely impressed, but thought they sounded a little rolled off at the top, and were really placement sensitive. I was using a Crown IC150, & two DC300s to drive them so volume wasn't an issue! I ended up buying AR9s instead, but at least I bought the Crowns from my Tec HI-Fi buddy. I ended up going through Walsh 2s,3s, then 4s through the eighties in second room systems, and I'm convinced the later models were/are true improvements over the originals in imaging, high end, and sensitivity. But there was something "magical" about the full range Walsh if you have a room perfectly set up for them, and enough juice to drive them!
I have owned both MMG and Older Vanderteen 2's. Its a no brainer for me Vandersteen all the way.