
I have Revel Salon 2 speakers. Sensitivity is about 85 db. and 4 ohms. They are power hungry speakers. Currently, I am driving them with McIntosh 601's and a McIntosh solid state preamp. I was look looking at a pair of McIntosh MC2301. They are tube amps rated at 300 watts into 2 - 8 ohm loads. I listen to all types of music (sometimes at very high levels). I never run out of power with the 601's, but I am very intrigued with tubes. This may be a misconception, but I remember some friends who played guitar saying, tube watts were louder than solid state? Perhaps this is not really true or not true regarding home stereo. Perhaps the best idea is to keep the 601's and get a good tube preamp?                          Thanks, Dave 
Yeah, beside tinnitus you are doing irreparable damage to your ears if you listen for very long at 90 dB. The "normal" listening level is 78 dB. I like it loud too, but I keep it below 85 dB. You may want to re-evaluate your listening and system requirements before you buy anything else

Thanks guys. So my JL subs came in yesterday. Tricky, (2) f112v2's in a room that is 17x19x9 high with the Salon 2's. I have the subs low pass set at about 50hz. Very square room, but the 2 subs are very hard to locate. This setup gives the Salons the extra low end dynamics (I want). The flexibility of being able to move the subs in this room to smooth out the bass is helpful. I am picking up a McIntosh c2700 tomorrow, replacing my c47. Please, not too much criticism about me going down this rabbit hole.I know I did. More efficient speakers, smaller power amps, perhaps no subs and less money. But the setup sounds good and I want responsible and not leave too much money for the kids. When I get the 2700 in I will give an update on the sound.
Hi Dave,

In recent years I've had the good fortune of sampling some great amps in large systems, smaller systems in homes plus brick and mortar.  Makes include three modern Nelson Pass amps (great,) 300B amps including a tricked out pair of Deja Vu monoblocks, amps designed by the late Roger Modjeski. (I own the RM-10 MKII) and just last week the terrific, obscure, Tom Evans amplifier.  Despite these wonderful experiences, my favorite amp remains the post anniversary McIntosh MC275.  The only reason I don't own it is because it is beyond my means.  To my ears it represents the best of the merging of great tube and solid state sound, as do some of the Pass amps.  Happy hunting!  More Peace, Pin
"Yeah, beside tinnitus you are doing irreparable damage to your ears if you listen for very long at 90 dB."

I think I'm past that. It may have been the 2nd Black Sabbath concert or the Who, could it have been Pink Floyd? Not sure. But I bet the tweeters in my Salons sound really good. I'm more of a mid range and low end guy myself.
As was mentioned several times earlier get a tube preamp with octal tubes like the 6sn7, also a tube rectifier. I put a tube preamp in front of my krell amp and it sounds great, it sounded horrible with the solid state preamps I had. I know you can spend big money and get a really good sounding solid state preamp, but in my price range a tube preamp was better than the solid state preamps in the same price range.